Leaguers... Pictured below is the design for our new Detachment Challenge Coin. Following is the information on costs and ordering procedures. Chuck Ross has done the design work and has either requested and/or received quotes from more than one manufacturer. We have selected 4Heros.com - a well known producer of these types of coins within military and other organizational circles.
This is obviously a significant investment, and one that we don't intend to fund entirely out of our Detachment monies. In fact, our preference would be to not have to take any money out of our accounts to purchase the coins. We proposed at the January meeting that we sell the coins to members and others who would like to have it. In addition, we would accept donations over and above the cost of the coins that a member wanted to buy to help fund any shortfall. The cost is $12 per coin. This in line with, in fact at the lower end, of the costs of challenge coins that are available through other marketing outlets.
This would be a great way to show pride in our Detachment and the Marine Corps League, add to collections, give to family members, leave as a legacy, and to give to those who in some way help and support our Detachment in meaningful ways. The design is beautiful and right on the money in showing who we are as a part of the Marine Corps League.
We already have a large number of orders and significant donations, and I would anticipate placing the order with the manufacturer in the very near future. The order will be based on the number or pre orders we've received and the coins we want to keep to sell and give in the future. We need your order ASAP. "Click Here or on the Challenge Coin images below for the Order Form". You do not need to vote or choose between the two - we are going to order both background colors. There is also a space to make an additional donation. You may download, complete, and e-mail back to me your order, or print and mail with your payment to me at Arlen Beck; 2929 E. 18th St; Davenport, Iowa 52803. For those who elect to e-mail me your orders, I need you to send payment to the same address.
This has been extremely well received, and shows the pride our membership has in this Detachment and the League. We are looking forward to getting these coins in your hands as soon as possible - so please don't delay - order now!

Semper Fi! Arlen